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A simple demo is available in example/. A more comprehensive example could look like this:

// npm install @frameright/react-image-display-control
import { ImageDisplayControl } from '@frameright/react-image-display-control';

// npm install react-bootstrap
import Image from 'react-bootstrap/Image';

import skaterUrl from './assets/skater.jpg';

const isServer = typeof window === 'undefined';
const skaterPathOnServer = isServer
? process.cwd() + '/src/assets/skater.jpg'
: null;

export function MyApp() {
return (
<div style={{ contain: 'paint' }} data-idc-parent>
<ImageDisplayControl data-debug>
width: '300px',
height: '200px',

This example turns three <img>-like elements/components into Image Display Control web components which are going to automatically/responsively zoom in on the most suitable region from each image's metadata.

It touches on the following aspects.

<img>-like direct children

The <ImageDisplayControl> component adds Image Display Control functionality to any of its <img>-like direct children. We have validated:

HTML attributes and React properties

  • All the attributes/properties of the original <img>-like child are supported, e.g. src=, alt=, width=, etc.
  • All data-*= attributes specific to the underlying web component are supported, e.g. data-avoid-no-region=. See the web component's attribute reference for more details.
  • Additional data-*= attributes/properties exist:
    • on the children (e.g. data-path-on-server= for server-side rendering),
    • on the <ImageDisplayControl> component (e.g. data-debug for debugging),
    • on its DOM parent (e.g. data-idc-parent for guiding developers).

See attributes and properties for more details.

CSS styling

The usual ways of styling the <img>-like children are supported, e.g. width:, border:, padding:, etc. However some CSS properties have limitations due to the underlying web component's implementation. See the web component's CSS styling documentation for more details.

HTML and CSS sizing

  • The usual ways of sizing the <img>-like children are supported, e.g. HTML width=, CSS height:, etc.
  • The rendered child is responsive and will automatically reassess the best region to zoom in on when it gets resized, e.g. when the user turns their phone from portrait to landscape.
  • A rendered child takes exactly the same space as it would if it didn't have an <ImageDisplayControl> parent under the same circumstances and styling.

Server-side rendering

The React component can be imported anywhere in your code with a static import statement, no matter if this portion of the code is to be executed on the server, on the client, or at build time for static site generation.

See importing in your project for more details.

In order to make server-side rendering (or static site generation) possible:

  • import the image file statically,
  • pass the path to the image file on disk to the corresponding child.

See server-side rendering for more details.